FREE 30 Day Self-Care Challenge

Need A Reset?

Teenagers have a lot going on.

There's school, friends, sports, clubs, family...not to mention the new independence and expectations that come with being this age.

If you're in any way feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or unmotivated, try my FREE 30 Day Self-Care Challenge.

Give your body and mind a chance to take a step back and rediscover what it means to be a teenager.


  • Positively reconnect with yourself and those around you
  • Try new activities and get out of your comfort zone
  • Reflect on what you have in front of you and what you want your life to be


  1. Get the printable straight to your email when you sign up for my newsletter
  2. Download the PDF and print it out or upload it to an iPad using GoodNotes or Notability
  3. Choose a new activity each day for 30 days and check off the gray box when you complete it!
  4. Celebrate when you finish! I hope you feel refreshed and absolutely unstoppable :)

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